Card Magic Tricks

Welcome to a secret page on my website that you can only find if you have my Dazzling Darren Card Magic Trick set.  Using the packs in the box and these videos you’ll be able to learn and perform 12 amazing magic tricks to fool your family and friends!

And I’ll be here with you every step of the way to show you how all the tricks are done.  You can pause and rewind if you get stuck.  No more reading instructions and getting confused!  These are all simple tricks you’ll be able to do in no time!

Short And Long Cards

Short And Long Cards

Tapered Cards

Tapered Cards

World's Fastest Trick

World’s Fastest Trick



You Find it

You Find It

The Key Card Mystery

The Key Card Mystery

Cutting The Aces

Cutting The Aces

Triple Prediction

Triple Prediction

The Force

The Force

Unfair Deal

unfair Deal



X Marks The Spot

X Marks The Spot

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